Finney Insurance Corporation

Ride Share Insurance

Ride Share Insurance in Florida

If you’re earning an extra income as a driver with a ride sharing service such as Uber or Lyft, you are most likely not properly insured and could be dropped from your current auto insurance provider. When you’re using your vehicle in your personal time doing normal things like going to the grocery store, or to one of your kid’s sporting events, your personal auto insurance has the freedom to deny your claim. At Finney Insurance, we can provide you with the proper coverage to keep you secure.

For Questions Regarding Ride Share Insurance, Call Us at 1-855-FINNEY-1

How it Works

As a ride share driver, you need more than auto insurance, but you don’t necessarily need commercial auto insurance. Our Ride Share Insurance is the perfect middle ground to protect you from costly damages that may occur while using your vehicle in your personal time. Without this coverage, you are running the risk of being responsible for any and all damages that may occur if an incident were to take place while you are not using the ride share service.

What you can expect from us

We take the time to properly identify your risks and develop a policy that meets your needs. Our team is educated on this product and we can create a tailored policy just for you. Call or contact us to learn more. To get started on a policy, request a quote.

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